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Henna brows are a sort of tinting that stains the skin and gives you coloured hairs for up to 6 weeks as well as a tint on the skin that lasts for anywhere between 2 and 10 days. It's an excellent technique to test out a shape before committing to semi-permanent cosmetics or if you only need your eyebrows temporarily shaped and filled.

For thousands of years, henna has been used for body art, cosmetics, and hair dye. Although henna is frequently associated with the color red, henna brows are particularly prepared to provide a more cool color tone that is ideal for eyebrows.

Make-up artist working

What's the difference between regular tint and henna brows?

Regular eyebrow tint will only tint the hairs and lasts anywhere from 2-4 weeks. It is great for those that are happy with their eyebrow shape and don't require any other shaping.

Henna brows produce longer lasting results. Lasting up to 6 weeks on the hairs, it also tints the skin which is great if you would like a better shape to your brows.  It fills in anywhere you have gaps. 

Henna brows process

If you've ever had your brows tinted and waxed, then you'll have an idea of how the process works.  The first step for henna brows is all about cleansing and removing any oils from the skin.  This is to ensure that your skin is super clean and ready for the henna.

After your eyebrows are clean, they are then measured and shaped which also allows you to have some input before the process goes ahead.  The next step is crucial and can make or break your eyebrow shape.  A white paste is applied around your eyebrows that acts as a barrier and is what gives you the sharp, defined lines of your new eyebrow shape.

After the paste has been applied, it's time for the henna!  This part of the process is delicate and very carefully applied.  The henna has to be pushed onto the skin to ensure it sits in between the hairs to give you that fuller effect.  Once it is evenly applied and super sharp, it will sit there for about 10 - 20 minutes.  When it's done developing, it is wiped away and your eyebrows are then waxed, threaded, or tweezed to complete a high definition effect. 

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